
Let me start by saying: Thank you! for visiting my site!

My name is Elijah (almost everyone calls me: Eli), and it’s not difficult to guess that I enjoy writing. I served my time in the U.S. Marine Corps for a while and eventually found myself moving forward from that exciting part of my life. I rediscovered my passion for writing a few years from this point. I’ve loved writing all my life (I was the kid who loved english and history above all else), but I was one to think I could never produce a fulfilling life from it… I was wrong.

I’m 26 years old and I have no intentions on rushing into the stories I have to tell, let alone rushing the current novel I’m working on. And if you’d like, stick around and partake in discovering with me the world I call: Idemrune. The company along the way will prove for splendid adventures!

And you’ll find a lot more than just stories from the world inside my head.

For the fellow writers out there: I’ll write about my process along the way, and I’ll share the weird writing tips I’ve learned for when the going gets tough, or just in general, too. After all, Writing is a process (a rigid one, might I add), and I’ve come to believe: at first, writing hardly looks like writing at all… in fact, it’s a lot of  reading and searching your thoughts. As a result, this is writing in itself – a form… 🙂

I hope to see you around in the comments  – Cheers!




Current form: The symbol of Idemrune AKA the Logo. It’s not entirely finished but it’s getting there. If you know how to vectorize or would like to help in the process of refining this symbol for me, please contact me through the ‘Contact’ tab. I would be grateful and willing to compensate for your time. 🙂 



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